The handkerchief is made from cotton, the cotton makes the hankies naturally soft. Not too thick, not too thin. More Durable and absorbent. The handkerchief can be reused, environmentally friendly. Classic and stylish handkerchief with a smooth hand feel, it is also a pocket square fitting into the front pocket of your suit. Perfect size fits for everyday use or formal occasions. Handkerchiefs can be carried in the pocket or handbag, which is intended for personal hygiene purposes such as wiping ones hands or face. Perfect gift for gentlemen, grandfathers, fathers, dads, or anyone who enjoys a classic hankie. Its the worst when you accidentally put something through the wash that you didnt mean to. Which is exactly what makes these handkerchiefs great. You can put these through a washing machine no problem and will even get softer after the first wash
For best results, wash them with cold water and gentle laundry detergent, wash it by hand in warm water before using for the first time, it will get softer after washing. Easy care. Our handkerchiefs are in perfect size fit for all sorts of settings and occasions such as business meetings, church, weddings, traveling and more. Vintage look handkerchiefs set, stylish enough for daily use or special occasions. Nice Package, great gift. Handkerchief crafted from 100% Cotton, the cotton makes the hankies naturally soft. It is not too thick, not too thin. Durable and healthy, absorbent and hypoallergenic handkerchiefs, no fear of allergic actions, better for your nose. The handkerchiefs with classic plaid, modern and stylish. It is a pocket square fitting into your front pocket of your suit, with smooth hand feel. Handkerchief can be reused, you can reduce the usage of tissues, and can be carried in the pocket or handbag, for personal hygiene purposes, such as, wiping ones hands or face, or blowing ones nose. Nice gift for gentlemen, women, father or anyone who enjoys a classic style. Different colors and classic design make them suitable and perfectly matches for wedding, banquet, outside and so on.
Care Instructions: Easy care, machine washable. Please wash it by hand in warm water before using for the first time, it will get softer after washing.
Cotton handkerchief, makes the hankies naturally soft, durable and absorbent, can be reused, environmentally friendly.
Classic and stylish handkerchief, with a smooth hand feel, it is also a pocket square fitting into the front pocket of your suit.
Perfect size, vintage look handkerchiefs set, stylish enough for daily use or special occasions.
Handkerchiefs can be carried in the pocket or handbag, which is intended for personal hygiene purposes.
Perfect gift for gentlemen, grandfathers, fathers, dads, or anyone who enjoys a classic hankie.
Machine washable handkerchief, easy care.
Color: Random.
Style: Modern.
Size: 38*38cm/15*15in.
Package Includes: 12/6 X Handkerchiefs.
STANDARD:45,49 RON - Livrare între vin. 21 februarie 2025–vin. 28 februarie 2025
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Yixiang Guan
Shenzhen Xinchuangxiang Trading Co., Ltd.
Room 201, Building A5, Shenzhen Xiangqian Science and Technology Industrial Park, No. 125-1,Pengda Road, Nanlian Community, Longgang Street, Longgang District
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