Engage in Safe Play: Crafted from smooth and burr-free plastic, this Ball Catcher Toy ensures a worry-free playtime for your little one, promoting safety and peace of mind during fun-filled activities.
Interactive Steering Wheel: Featuring a simulated steering wheel design, this toy offers a simple yet engaging operation that allows children to swiftly catch the falling balls, enhancing hand-eye coordination and motor skills development.
Dynamic Ball Catching Machine: With its innovative ball-catching mechanism, this toy provides endless entertainment as the balls drop randomly, encouraging kids to use both hands and their cognitive abilities to capture the rolling balls effectively.
Exciting Gameplay Experience: Paired with a steering wheel, this ball-catching machine delivers a fun and captivating experience for children, keeping them entertained for hours on end with its unpredictable ball movements and automatic rolling feature.
Versatile Party Favor: Ideal for various occasions such as holidays, birthdays, Children's Day, Easter, Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and New Year celebrations, this Ball Catcher Toy makes for a perfect party favor that guarantees joy and amusement for young ones.
Introducing the ball catcher toy, a safe and engaging toy for babies. With its smooth and burr-free design, parents can rest assured that their little ones can play safely. The toy features a simulated steering wheel that allows for simple operation, making it easy for babies to catch the falling balls quickly.
This interactive ball catching machine provides endless fun as the balls fall randomly, encouraging the use of both hands and brain coordination. After catching the ball, it will automatically roll to the exit, adding an element of surprise to the game.
Perfect for parties and special occasions like holidays, birthdays, Children's Day, Easter, Christmas, Halloween, Thanksgiving, and New Year, this toy is sure to delight children of all ages.
Item Name: Ball Catcher Toy
Material: Plastic
Features: with Steering Wheel, Hand-Eye Coordination Training, Space Theme
Size Details:
L: 12.2cm/4.8", W: 4.8cm/1.89", H: 18cm/7.09" (Approx.)
Due to the light and screen setting difference, the item's color may be slightly different from the pictures.
Please allow slight dimension difference due to different manual measurement.
Package Includes:
1 x Ball Catcher Toy
STANDARD:21,99 RON - Livrare între lun. 24 februarie 2025–mar. 04 martie 2025
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Shenzhen Teenwei Network Technology
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Li Na
Shen Zhen Shi Te En Wei Wang Luo Ke Ji You Xian Gong Si
Long Gang Qu Long Cheng Jie Dao
Xin Lian She Qu Pu Pai Lu 90hao Edong 417
+1 (314)410-3742
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