Universal Mobile Phone Straps Crossbody Patch Phone Lanyards Multifunctional Mobile Phone Rope Colorful Cell Phone Hanging Cord
Universal Mobile Phone Straps Crossbody Patch Phone Lanyards Multifunctional Mobile Phone Rope Cell Phone Hanging Cord For iphon
This phone lanyard is designed to work with almost all phone and case
combinations while allowing you the option to change cases and still use
the system,and not block your charging port.
Adjustable Strap: Comfortable Nylon Neck Lanyard,Anti pulling
Tear-proof. It can be worn as a necklace, over the shoulder or cross
body to let you go hands free.Adjustable length, Easy to use.
& Easy-Install: It is perfect for anyone who has ever dropped their
phone while trying to remove it from their backpack or bag.NO ADHESIVES
REQUIRED ,Ultra-thin phone patch fits between case and phone,give you a
convenient way to hold your phone
Gift: This phone lanyard is a perfect gift for your daughter, friends,
husband,wife, girlfriend, colleagues, students, teachers, etc. On
Thanksgiving, Christmas Day, Valentine's Day, Birthday, Anniversary Teacher's Day Gift etc.
Free Your Hands
This versatile cross-body phone lanyard has three ways to wear it, cross-body lanyard strap only, shoulder strap only, and normal neck strap. You can free your hands up to have a hands-free conversation while you are busy.
Fits All Mobile Phones
15.7 inches to 27.6-inch adjustable
quick-release phone lanyard with universal grip patch designs for a
comfortable fit on using your phone on the go. An ideal cell phone
accessories for both men and women in daily life. Note: Not support half coverage phone case.
Lanyard: Polyester (length 160CM; diameter 6MM) (length adjustable, can be cross-body)
Back paste: cured cloth back paste
Accessories: silver metal buckle silver metal bell
Due to manual measurements, please allow slight measurement deviations.
Due to the different display and lighting effects, the actual color of the item may be sl
STANDARD:56,99 RON - Livrare între mar. 04 martie 2025–mar. 11 martie 2025
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