Kids Toy Set, Kids Toys with 3 Clubs, 3 Balls & 2 Practice Holes, Indoor & Outdoor Sports Toys Gift for Boys, Girls 3-8 Year Old EVERYTHING YOUR LITTLE WILL NEED INCLUDED. game set comes with a kid-friendly cart with 2 wheels for easy mobility, 3 colorful clubs, 3 balls, 2 holes & bases, which is designed for 3-8 years old toddlers to get in some practice.
A WAY FOR YOUR KIDS TO WORK OUT: The kids golfing set is not simply a toy, but a great way for your kid to work out and sports. may not be an, however, it puts multiple muscles of your entire body. In other words, the kids clubs set will exercise your kid's upper limb muscles, back, and legs,and it will promote a development of their joints and ligaments. Athletic kids are and happy kids!
Motor Coordination & Analytical Thinking. Toy promotes not toddlers' physical development such as upper limb muscles, joints and ligaments but also spatial awareness and reasoning while they are thinking how far or how much they need to the ball into the holes.
A COMPLETELY SAFE CHOICE FOR YOUR KIDS: While regular adult clubs can be heavy and dangerous for kids, these kids sticks are very lightweight and absolutely safe to use CBPE has used and completely yet durable to ensurethe of yourchild and the of the golfcart toy accessories. You can CBPE, because we're experts when it comes to kids toys. Your kids comes first!
A GIFT THAT ANY KID AND PARENT LOVE: The club kid's toy is a great gift for kids, whether they're girls or boys. If you give the toys set to a kid in your family, you can be sure that also the parents will it! The ball toy could be a great way for those parents to spend some with their kids and more as they teach them how to play. Product description
This toy design can bring you a lot of, made of materials, durable, wearable and environmentally friendly.
KIDS SETWhether your kid already loves or you want to introduce them to this challenging and sport, this game set for kids is exactly what you need to help your kid practice their golfing skills.
IMPROVE COORDINATION FOR CHILDRENNot will this baseball toy set improve your boys or girls batting skills, it will also those fine motor skills, hand-eye coordination and accuracy!
TAKES UP VERY LIMITED SPACE IN YOUR KIDS ROOMIn fact, our Game Set features a special hang-on-the-wall design so that it doesnt cramp up all your living space.
Material: Durable and plastic.
Including 3 different types of clubs, 2 practice holes with flags and 3 balls.
Great for children to play or parent-child games.
Perfect gift to give for kids as present.
Suitable for kids above 3 years old.
Material: Plastic
Cart Size(LxWxH): Approx. 26.5 x 13 x 39.5 cm/ 10.43 x 5.12 x 15.55 inch
Clubs Length: Approx. 48.5-53 cm/ 19.1-20.87 inch
Ball Diameter: Approx. 3cm / 1.18inch
1 x Carry Bag
3 x Different Type of Clubs
3 x Balls
2 x Different Color Practice Holes with Flag
Exquisite model design provides the perfect gift for your own or enthusiastic.
STANDARD:11,49 RON - Livrare între vin. 28 februarie 2025–vin. 07 martie 2025
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