1.Intelligent anti-burn 1X can withstand up to 400V withstand voltage.
2.100MHz analog bandwidth @ 1GSa/s sampling rate (1X=5MHz 10X=100MHz).
3.Fully fit 7 inch 800 * 480 resolution color TFT LCD display with bright colors and high contrast.
4.Capacitive touching screen, the same as the touching mode of modern mobile tablet, is not a resistive touching screen with ancient nail operation.
5.High measurement voltage range, 1X can measure 0~40V, 10X can measure 0~400V 100X can measure 0~4000V.
6.Up to 12 parameters measurement: VPP VP Vmax Vmin Vavg Vrms Frequent Duty+ Duty- Time+ Time- Period.
7.Cursor measurement function, it is convenient to manually measure the period and frequency and voltage.
8.Complete triggering function (single, normal, automatic).
9.At any time, the waveform display (pause function) is frozen.
10.Equipped with high efficiency One-button AUTO.
11.One-button waveform storage and screenshot.
12.Built-in 1GB storage space, can store up to 1000 screenshots + 1000 sets of waveform data.
13.Powerful waveform picture manager supports thumbnail browsing, viewing, detailed viewing, page turning, deletion and waveform zooming in, zooming out, moving, etc.
14.Equipped with a USB interface, which can be connected to a computer to share its screenshots with the computer, which is convenient for secondary analysis.
Lissajous figures graphic display function can be used to determine the amplitude, frequency, and phase contrast of two groups of signals.
15.FFT display function, can analyze the spectral characteristics of the signal.
16.Built in 6000mAh rechargeable lithium battery fully charged for 4 hours of continuous use at the highest screen brightness.
17.Memory compression technology, waveform refresh screen does not flicker.
18.Screen brightness adjustment.
19.Background grid brightness adjustment.
20.Ultra thin, easy to carry.
Plug: US Plug + AUConverter
1. Due to the hand measurement, there may have error measurement about 1-5mm.
2.Item color displayed in pictures may be showing slightly different on your computer monitor since monitors are not calibrated same.
Your understanding will be highly appreciated.
STANDARD:13,99 RON - Livrare între vin. 28 februarie 2025–mar. 11 martie 2025
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Guangdong Yituo Investment
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