Material: 100% polyester, easy to wear, breathable and environmentally friendly
Closure: elastic waistband
For active people For children who like to go out in any weather, these windproof and waterproof rain pants are the perfect companion
Perfect for playing outside, even rain or mud are no problem for the pants
< p>Note: This product is recommended to buy a freshman size. Pay attention to the size is too small! Children at this age grow and develop faster. It is therefore recommended that you buy carefully.
Product Description
1. Using high quality materials, no harm to children's skin
2. Fashionable design makes your children more attractive
3. It's suitable for leisure, daily life, party or photo taking. It's also a good idea for children to show gifts
4. High quality soft cotton, easy to use
Product information:
Gender: male, female
Garment length: regular
Style: Fashion
Occasion: leisure, everyday
Package includes: 1 rainproof pants
Rainproof pants length does not include belt length
Size 86/92 : length 51cm, waist 50cm, reference old 1-2 years
Size 98/104 : length 60cm, waist 52cm, reference old 2-3 years
Size 110/116 : length 69cm, waist 54cm, reference old 3-4 years
Size 122/128 : length 78cm, waist 56cm, reference old 4- 5 Years
Size 134/140: Length 97cm, Waist 58cm, Reference Old 5-6 Years
NOTE:< /p>
1. Items are measured by hand, there is a slight deviation.
2. Due to the different colors of the computer displays, the color of the actual item may vary slightly from the above images. Thank you for your understanding.
STANDARD:GRATUIT - Livrare între joi 20 februarie 2025–mie. 26 februarie 2025
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Huizhou Yunze Electronic Technology
Adresă: Zhongkaigaoxinquchenjiangjiedaobanshi chuchenjiangsongjiangxiaoqua14yijie5hao, Huizhou, 516000, China
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