Material: 100% polyester, easy to wear, breathable and environmentally friendlyClosure: elastic waistband/button placket Closure: button placket
The rain pants have wide elastic Suspenders that are adjustable and practical click fasteners.
For active children who like to go out in any weather, the windproof and waterproof rain pants are the perfect companion Perfect for playing outside, even in rain or mud are no problem for the pants
Product descriptions
Professionally processed fabric made of 70% polyester and 30% polyurethane The comfortable
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Closure: elastic waistband/button placket
The rain pants have wide elastic suspenders that are adjustable and practical click fasteners.
Perfect for playing outside, too Rain or mud are no problem for the trousers
The article is robust and hard-wearing.
Ideal for k cool months. Perfect protection against wind and rain!
Sport & Outdoor
Package Include: 1 * Rain Pants
Note: It is recommended to buy a freshman size. This product is small in size! Children at this age grow and develop faster. It is therefore recommended that you buy carefully.
86/92 pants length 52cm, waist circumference 50cm, leg length 33cm, fit for 2-3 years ,height 85-92cm
98/104 pants length 60cm, waist circumference 52cm, leg length 40cm, fit for 4 years old, height 95-105cm
110/116 pants length 68cm, waist circumference 54cm, leg length 47cm ,fit for 5 years old, height 105-115cm
122/128 pants length 76cm, waist circumference 56cm, leg length 54cm, fit for 6 years old, height 115-130cm
134/140 pants length 84cm, waist circumference 58cm, leg length 61cm, fit for 7 years old, height 130-140cm
STANDARD:GRATUIT - Livrare între joi 20 februarie 2025–mie. 26 februarie 2025
Livrare de la China.
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Huizhou Yunze Electronic Technology
Adresă: Zhongkaigaoxinquchenjiangjiedaobanshi chuchenjiangsongjiangxiaoqua14yijie5hao, Huizhou, 516000, China
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