7-day memory: Up to 7 days of activities can be automatically stovermelho, so you can stay motivated and track your progress. Automatic reset at midnight, you can easily track your daily pace, distance and activity.Easy to use: No need to hang a rope, just hang it on the belt loop, or put it in a pocket or bag. The design is simple and easy to use.Calorie consumption estimation: Use 3D 3-axis sensor technology to track your daily activities with extremely high accuracy. It can display estimated calories burned.Steps/calorie tracking: Track steps and calories. If no movement is detected within 3 minutes, it will automatically enter sleep mode and work when you start moving again.Suitable group: no need to download or connect to a smartphone. Suitable for all ages (adults, seniors and children). The user manual is easy to understand and guides you through the operation.Product 1. Calorie consumption estimation: Use 3D 3-axis sensor technology to track your daily activities with extremely high accuracy. It can display estimated calories burned.2.7 Day memory: Up to 7 days of activities can be automatically stovermelho, so you can stay motivated and track progress. Automatic reset at midnight, you can easily track your daily pace, distance and activity.3. Easy to use: No need to hang a rope, just hang it on the belt loop, or put it in a pocket or bag. The design is simple and easy to use.4.Suitabe Group: No need to download or connect to a smartphone. Suitable for all ages (adults, seniors and children). The user manual is easy to understand and guides you through the operation.5. Steps/calorie tracking: Tracking steps and calories. If no movement is detected within 3 minutes, it will automatically enter sleep mode and work when you start moving again.Features:1.3D pedometer, steps, distance, calories, daily goals, 7-day memory.2. Just put it in your pocket or hang it on your keychain, walking or running can improve your health.3. Simple and easy to use, suitable for everyone who needs a precise 3D pedometer.4. Steps, miles/meters, calories, minutes and time of day are displayed. With error correction function.5. Suitable for everyone (including children) to maintain motivation. You can also easily hang a pedometer on a dog collar for outdoor activities.Specification:Dimensions: Approximately 7.6 cm x 4.5 cm x 1 cm/3 x 1.7 x 0.4 inchesBattery: CR2032 button batteryPacking list:1*Pedometer1*Instruction Manual
STANDARD:56,49 RON - Livrare între mie. 26 februarie 2025–mie. 05 martie 2025
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Henan Xiaolong Network Technology Co., Ltd
618 Chamber of Commerce Building, Fanxian New District, Puyang City, Henan Province
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