Christening Gown With Short Sleeve. Free Choice Of Color On Bow, Grace Of Sweden Sess.ka

674,00 RON
+ 53,49 RON Livrare

Christening Gown With Short Sleeve. Free Choice Of Color On Bow, Grace Of Sweden Sess.ka

Preţ: 674,00 RON
674,00 RON
+ 53,49 RON Livrare

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Our Christening gown Grace-Sessan is a beautiful gown with life in silk look with lovely luster. The body part ends with an exclusive lace border in embroidered tulle. the skirt has a soft beautiful fall and both fabrics have a beautiful pearl white color. Very beautiful and well-fitting model with a small a pretty puff sleeve with a cute lace edge. The model closes in the back with a small gap with small push buttons. The Baptismal gown is a craft from Grace's own studio in Sweden. The size guide can be found in the photo gallery.Grace-Sessan is a very cute Baptismal gown with a lovely embroidered tulle lace at the waist. The dress has a beautiful color in pearl white tone and the body part is in a silk look. We sew your Baptismal dress at our studio in Sweden. The belonging bonnet can be purchased separately. The gown is 95 cm long from neck to hem.

Livrări şi Returnări

Designcompaniet To i Sundsvall

Adresă: Lillro 111, Sundsvall, 85591, Suedia
VRN Vânzător: SE556906996501

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  • Grace of Sweden
  • Designcompaniet TO i Sundsvall AB
  • Lillro 111
  • Sundsvall
  • Sweden
  • 85591
  • 4670255214

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  • Kristina Olofsson
  • Kristina Olofsson
  • Lillro 111
  • Sundsvall
  • SE
  • 85591
  • 4670255214