Multifunctional Use This measuring cup can be refrigerated and heated in a microwave, temperature range: -20~150. Can be used as an usual cup to drink milk, water, coffee, wine, juice, lemonade. Also you can use it as a professional measuring cup, such as kitchen baking, cooking, bartending, experiments, suitable for measuring flour, liquids of all kinds, sugar, powder, sauces, purees, glazes etc. With handle design, the grip is comfortable and not easy to fall off.
High Quality Made The cup body and the lid are both made of heat resistant High Borosilicate glass material,can withstand both cold and heat. Dustproof, drop-resistant and lightweight design. With handle design, the grip is comfortable and not easy to fall off. The handle is comfortable and smooth, the scaling is clearly and clearly printed. Strong airtightness can effectively keep milk or drinks fresh.
Accurate Measuring&Wide V-Shape Mouth DesignThe measuring jug has precise measurements of liquids and is easy to read, if you want to cook and bake, the measuring jug is very useful for measuring. Wide mouth design of the measuring cup is easy to clean. V-shaped spout can prevent liquid from spilling, liquids can be pouring straight for easy to drainage.
Easy to CleanThe measuring breaker is made of glass and can therefore be washed by hands, but it is also dishwasher-safe.
Good Helper At Home Large capacity: 500ml,Color: transparent. Caliber-3.1 inch/ Height-5.5 inch, can be used for daily use, microwave, milk, coffee, hot/iced tea, cold drinks, etc. With its own measuring scale, it can help parents control the amount of water and make the baby's daily intake more scientific. Use it at any time, drink water at home kitchen office, entertain friends, drink in the office. Perfect gift for your family and friends,as christmas gift, birthday, anniversary gift.
500ml Glass Measuring Cup Measuring Jug with Scale, Heat-Resistant Transparent Glass Cup with Glass Lid Measuring Container for Microwave Milk Coffee Hot/Cold Drinks Beverage Iced Tea Medical Use
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STANDARD:GRATUIT - Livrare între vin. 28 februarie 2025–lun. 10 martie 2025
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Yiwushi Baoda Fuzhuangfuliao Youxiangongsi
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