DescriptionOrigin : Mainland ChinaMaterial : Borosilicate glassColor : TransparentCapacity : 5ml, 10ml, 25ml, 50ml,Description:1.Beaker is a common laboratory glassware, usually made of glass, plastic, or heat-resistant glass.2.Beaker can be used for heating chemical containers, can be used as a tableware. It uses stringent materials, the GG-17 borosilicate glass, which is characterized in that the homogeneous material with high transparency and its well resistance to quench sudden fever; softening temperature is 821; resistance to the difference in temperature of 200; High stability, without any toxic impurities.Material: GG-17 borosilicate glass.Size: 5ml 10ml 50ml 100ml 150ml 200ml 25ml 250ml 300ml 3000ml 400ml 500ml 600ml 1000ml 2000ml(Optional)Please attention: Due to manual measurement , there may be 1-2mm deviation exist,hope you can understand.Feature: Low inflation rate, high temperature resistant, high strength, high hardness, high light transmittance and high chemistry stabilityQuantity: 1pcsPackage list: according to your choiceSatisfaction GuaranteeOur first priority is to provede you with an easy,pleasant,and anxiety-free shopping experiencewe try our best to give a clear,candid,and complete description of our products and their conditionswe are always ready to help if you have questions or encounter a problem ,but if for any reason you arenot satisfied with a product or service please do not hesitate to contact usIt is very impottant to us that you have a positive & 5 star transaction with us.please contact us promptly before you leave us negative feedback.we weill try our best to resolve you problem.If I am not online,please leave your message,we will reply you once we log in.we reply every message except we have not get your message.Refundwe accept refund if product not as decribedIf the goods are damaged.Please provide photos.We can give you a full refund.Or send you a new itemIf the product is lost. Or the wrong number. If we make a mistake. We accept partial refund compensationServicesAfter receiving the payment. We will send the goods within 12 hours
STANDARD:60,49 RON - Livrare între vin. 28 februarie 2025–vin. 07 martie 2025
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Changzhou Shande Metal Products
Adresă: Youyi Village, Luoyang Town, Wujin District, Changzhou City, Jiangsu, 213104, China
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Yating He
E-crossstu Gmbh
69 Mainzer Landstrasse
Frankfurt am Main
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