[COMFORTABLE AND DURABLE]- This Product is Made With 1-inch THICK Foam And an ADJUSTABLE Strap so You Can Get The PERFECT Fit Without Digging Into Your Legs.
[EASY TO USE]- Ln Just 10 Seconds You Can Be Set up And Ready to Exercise - Just Slide 1.5-inch Door Anchor Under Your Door,Close The Door And Adjust The Strap For A Snug Fit.
[EXTRA VERSATILE] - This Product Can Be Used For Sit Ups,Core Training,Squats,Razor Curls,And More.
[COMPACT DESIGN] - Do not Miss a Workout Because You Are ON THE GO or You Cant Get to The Gym - The RUOYU Compact Design Allows You to Bring This Product With You ANYWHERE Without Taking up Much Space.
Want to improve your home workout routine
Exercising at home is one of the most convenient ways to workout. You dont have to leave the comforts of your room and theres no need to share equipment with other people.
However, gym machines can be expensive or take up too much space in your home. If you have limited space and budget, what you need is a compact fitness accessory that will let you target key muscle groups.
Achieve a stronger and leaner body with the Nordic Hamstring Curl Strap
Designed for beginners and pro athletes, our sit-up bar helps you execute a variety of workouts. It has a padded foot bar that provides you with a stable, non-slip grip that lets you perform curl-ups, razor curls, Spanish squats, core twists, push-ups, and bridge hips with more power. Now you work on your core without visiting the gym.
Built to withstand rigorous training, this hamstring curl strap holds up well to daily punishment. Premium stainless steel, tough rubber, and high-density foam goes into every sit up bar, so youre confident that it wont break, rip, or tear while youre doing your reps. The strap holds strong against weights of up to 300lbs.
Setting up the curl up bar takes only 10 seconds. Just slide the strap under your door and youre good to go. The strap is fitted with a stainless steel buckle, allowing you to adjust its length. The tools door anchor has no sharp edges, keeping your door safe from gouging or scratches.
Here are more reasons you should get this sit up bar:
- Lightweight and portable tool
- Easy to remove and store
Webbing: 3.8cm width
Door button foam diameter: 7.2cmx3.5cm
S-shaped long foam: inner hole diameter: 2cm, outer hole diameter: 7cm
Iron frame thickness: 2.2mm
STANDARD:7,99 RON - Livrare între vin. 21 februarie 2025–lun. 03 martie 2025
Livrare de la China.
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Duoqing Trading (guangzhou) Co., Ltd.
Duoqing Trading (guangzhou) Co., Ltd.
Room 203, No. 4, Nanbiandajie, Tangxia, Tianhequ
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